
South Alichur ridge Kisldangi Mountain

The peaks of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from the South. Approaches and base camp.


Photo report of the Club’s team of «AGBA» about the expedition in Shadra ridge with a visit to the base camp under the peaks of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels..………………

Mountaineering expedition Club «AGBA» PIK Karl Marx 6700м. Projekt.

In honor of the year of tourism development and traditional national crafts in Taji

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Mountain climbing «Karl Marx peak»

10.08.2018. Team climbers Club «AGBA» in the composition of the

  1. Anatoly Sharipov head of the ascent.
  2. Simon Krylov.Climber.
  3. Vali Inoyatov Climber.
  4. Robert John Climber.                                                                                               Made the ascent to the mountain «PIK Karl Marx» (6700) on the West ridge (route of Memorize) 4B grade of difficulty

International Mountaineering Expedition.Wakhan 2019.

Time of July-September 2019.

Venue Ishkashim district of GBAO. South-Western Pamir, Shahdara Range.

Tasks. Climbing the peaks of the Shakhdara Range. The peaks of Karl Marx  6723 m, Engels  6510 m,  Mayakovsky  6096 m. All ascents are planned to start from the Wakhan Valley.


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Альпинизм скалолазание горный туризм в Таджикистане