Восхождение на пик Карла Маркса 6723м. Мероприятие проводилось совместно с туристической компанией Pamir Trips.

Восхождение на пик Карла Маркса 6723м. Мероприятие проводилось совместно с туристической компанией Pamir Trips.
International Mountaineering Expedition.Wakhan -alp.tj 2019.
Time of July-September 2019.
Venue Ishkashim district of GBAO. South-Western Pamir, Shahdara Range.
Tasks. Climbing the peaks of the Shakhdara Range. The peaks of Karl Marx 6723 m, Engels 6510 m, Mayakovsky 6096 m. All ascents are planned to start from the Wakhan Valley.
The participants. We invite Tajik and foreign climbers to participate.
For more information and participation in the expedition, please write to our address: turakademia@gmail.com
In honor of the year of tourism development and traditional national crafts in Tajikistan.
Social organization of Mountain sports Club «AGBA» in the summer of 2018 plans to hold mountaineering expedition to Shakhadra ridge of the Pamir.
The main purpose of the expedition. Climbing the mountain «PIK Karl Marx» 6700м «route on the West ridge» 4B.
Time. Climbing season in this area lasts from July 10 to August 30. The exact dates of the expedition are to be determined.
Members of the expedition. Theoretically take part in the expedition on the rights of the member of team of «AGBA» can any citizen of Tajikistan. But in order to become a member of the team must pass preliminary training in the Club. (we therefore declare for a long time before, to have time to prepare). Foreign nationals can also take part in expeditions on terms that will be adopted in the preparation process.
To learn more about the expedition and about the possibility of your participation you can contact the Club.
E-mail; turakademia@gmail.com
Sold gas cylinders, threaded, 230 grams.
e-mail: turakademia@gmail.com
Photo report of the Club’s team of «AGBA» about the expedition in Shadra ridge with a visit to the base camp under the peaks of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Task — familiarity with the district, exploration roads, trails, sites for camps. Contacts with the local population, providing services of guest houses and the delivery of goods to base camp.
Team: Sharipov, Anatoly — Director, chef, photographer, communication. Maryam Sharipova — driver.
Automotive part was held in the following paragraphs. Dushanbe, Khorog, kalaihumb, Ishkashim, Vrang, Langar lane, Khargush, Bulunkul, Yashilkul, Dzhelandy, Khorog, Dushanbe (Pamir the small ring).
The pedestrian part. Langar, base camp(3967м) peak Engels, Wrang, Iniv, base camp(3870 m) peak of Karl Marx.
The tasks carried out.
Dear fellow hikers-climbers, just travelers!
Anyone interested who wants to visit the area. I am pleased to share the information collected.
foto. Sharipov.A.
4 South Alichur ridge is situated on the South of Pamir, on the left share of the river Alichur. The total length is about 150km. The river adjoins 3 km to Sharhdarian ridge. The highest pick is Kisildangr mountain (5706m). Significant spurs adjoin to Bakchigir ridge (35km) and to Bachor ridge (25km). The slope is covered with highland desert plans. There is a nival (relating to regions of perpetual snow). Landscape on the altitude 4200-4500m. Snow line on the north is on the altitude 4900-5150m, on the south-4900-5300m. Total area of glaciers is 68 square km. There areabout to passes with automobile lines and routes in this ridge and in its spurs. Main route of camping lies from north (Pamir track), from South (Pamir Valley).
Kisldangi Mountain.
We climbed from the north side of koiytezek pass. One can drive to the mountain. The simplest route is through south ridge. The route is not difficult 2a-2b, snowy glacier. It will take one luminary day. Splendid sight of Eastern Pamir, Shakhdarian ridge is seen from the pick.