Trekking in the region of the ridge of Peter the great.The valley of the river Muksu.

The Muksu river originates from glaciers Fedchenko and Big Saukdara. This is one of those places that are on the «edge of the world». This year our team was fortunate enough to visit in the area. Our journey started in the village Depar, Rajskogo district and then along the Ridge of Peter the great through the pass, Belcando 3339 m, valley Sugran, pass Irget 1B 4400м (Irgy,Redhead,Roundabout) pass Tamasha 3600m, valley Hadarcha. This route is used by climbers to get to the base camp «Moskvin’s glade» under peak I. Somoni. Because of fresh snow on the passes, we returned back along the trail running along the right Bank of the Muksu river, on the road of the gold seekers. Here it is necessary to add! This way objectively dangerous path of constantly falling stones, sometimes the road disappears in the case of bad weather not passable. Obviously when the earlier, the valley was inhabited along the river Muksu often come across almost vanishing traces of human habitations, bridges, and trails. The area is very beautiful and interesting, but accessible only for well prepared tourists.

This tracking was attended by Maryam Sharipova,Anatoliy Sharipov, Nicolai Nomerotsky, Simon Krylov.

Photo; Anatoliy Sharipov, Nicolai Nomerotsky,

Addition to pictures 27 and 31 House Gursky.

House Gursky. A story with a sad end. In the 80-ies of the last century, the «a» named Nicholas Gursky decided to save humanity or the part coming from the nuclear end of the world new flood and so on. Of divinely Inspired books, he concluded that Sugran is the place where he sailed away on Noah’s ark. He attracted people, especially women with difficult fate. In one of the winters he went to Moscow to write a book, and Sugran left one woman with two boys 6 and 11 years, they had a goat but it ran off. They remained without food. As soon as it became a little warmer, tried to reach out to people, but died during the journey The bodies were discovered by helicopter pilots flying over the pass Belcando. The story of the community «New ark» ended.

00 Our route on the map of Tajikistan
00 Our route on the map of Tajikistan
001The road to the East
001The road to the East
0002The road to the East
0002The road to the East
002The Vakhsh River
002The Vakhsh River
003Here the confluence of the rivers Kyzylsu and Muksu is born the river Surkhob
003Here the confluence of the rivers Kyzylsu and Muksu is born the river Surkhob
004Photo before going into the mountains.We escorts Uchkun and his family. Photo before going into the mountains.We say goodbye to the Uchkun and his family.
004Photo before going into the mountains.We escorts Uchkun and his family. Photo before going into the mountains.We say goodbye to the Uchkun and his family.
005The valley of the river Muksu
005The valley of the river Muksu
006. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
006. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
008. Gorge Ergay.
008. Gorge Ergay.
9. Gorge Ergay
9. Gorge Ergay
10.The Village Of Candou.
10.The Village Of Candou.
11. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
11. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
12.Rest on the way.
12.Rest on the way.
13. The valley of the river Muksu. The villages of Muk and Depshar.
13. The valley of the river Muksu. The villages of Muk and Depshar.
14. The ascent to the pass, Belcandov 3339м.
14. The ascent to the pass, Belcandov 3339м.
15.Plateau Chоjatau, the view from the pass of Belcandov
15.Plateau Chоjatau, the view from the pass of Belcandov
16. Valley Sugran the view from the pass, Belcandov.
16. Valley Sugran the view from the pass, Belcandov.
17 The descent to the river Sugran
17 The descent to the river Sugran
18 The descent to the river Sugran
18 The descent to the river Sugran
19. The bridge over the river Sugran
19. The bridge over the river Sugran
20 . River Sugran view from the bridge.
20 . River Sugran view from the bridge.
The bridge over river Sugran.
The bridge over river Sugran.
22. The bridge over the river Sugran.
22. The bridge over the river Sugran.
023 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
023 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
26.Camp in the valley of Sugran.
26.Camp in the valley of Sugran.
27 House Gursky
27 House Gursky
28. Almost Nirvana.
28. Almost Nirvana.
029Camp in the valley of Sugran
029Camp in the valley of Sugran
030Birch in the valley of Sugran
030Birch in the valley of Sugran
031 House Gursky
031 House Gursky
032The Sky Of The Pamir
032The Sky Of The Pamir
033 View of the pass Irget with Sugran
033 View of the pass Irget with Sugran
034 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
034 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
035 Rest on the way.
035 Rest on the way.
036 The ascent to the pass Irget
036 The ascent to the pass Irget
037 The view from the pass Irget, the valley of Sugran.
037 The view from the pass Irget, the valley of Sugran.
038 Camp on the pass Irget 4400m
038 Camp on the pass Irget 4400m
039 Muksu valley views to the South.
039 Muksu valley views to the South.
040 The descent from the pass Irget
040 The descent from the pass Irget
041 The descent from the pass Irget
041 The descent from the pass Irget
042The Plants Of The Pamirs.
042The Plants Of The Pamirs.
044 Camp by the river Irgiy
044 Camp by the river Irgiy
045 In the canyon of the river Irgiy.
045 In the canyon of the river Irgiy.
046 Crossing the river Irgiy.
046 Crossing the river Irgiy.
047 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
047 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
048 Nikolay Nomerotsky Shelter of a hunter.
048 Nikolay Nomerotsky Shelter of a hunter.
049 Shelter of a hunter.
049 Shelter of a hunter.
050 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
050 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
051 Pass Tamasha. A traditional photo.
051 Pass Tamasha. A traditional photo.
052 0 River Hadircha.
052 0 River Hadircha.
052 1 River Hadircha.
052 1 River Hadircha.
054 Backpack ready for the crossing.
054 Backpack ready for the crossing.
055Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
055Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
056Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
056Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
057 River Hadircha.
057 River Hadircha.
058 Maryam Sharipova In the camp on the river Hadircha.
058 Maryam Sharipova In the camp on the river Hadircha.
059 The weather is getting worse.
059 The weather is getting worse.
060The weather is getting worse.
060The weather is getting worse.
061The weather is getting worse.
061The weather is getting worse.
062 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
062 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
063 Hadircha. There are no roads.
063 Hadircha. There are no roads.
064 Camp in the valley Hadircha
064 Camp in the valley Hadircha
065 The quest for water.
065 The quest for water.
066 A supply of water.
066 A supply of water.
067 Mount Shafak 5667m
067 Mount Shafak 5667m
068 In the mountains of new snow.
068 In the mountains of new snow.
069 The Plants Of The Pamirs
069 The Plants Of The Pamirs
071 Anatoliy Sharipov.
071 Anatoliy Sharipov.
072 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
072 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
073 Simon Krilov Rope crossing the river Muksu.
073 Simon Krilov Rope crossing the river Muksu.
074Rope crossing the river Muksu.
074Rope crossing the river Muksu.
075Rope crossing the river Muksu.
075Rope crossing the river Muksu.
076 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
076 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
077 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
077 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
078 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
078 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
079 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
079 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
080 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
080 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
083 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
083 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
084 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
084 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
087 On the trail of the gold miners
087 On the trail of the gold miners
089 1 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
089 1 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
089 Camp in the valley of the Muksu.
089 Camp in the valley of the Muksu.
090 On the trail of the gold miners.
090 On the trail of the gold miners.
091On the trail of the gold miners.
091On the trail of the gold miners.
093 On the trail of the gold miners.
093 On the trail of the gold miners.
094 2 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 2 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
095 The wild goats here are not afraid of people. You can come very close.
095 The wild goats here are not afraid of people. You can come very close.
096 Rest on the way.
096 Rest on the way.
097 On the trail of the gold miners.
097 On the trail of the gold miners.
098 River Servosa.
098 River Servosa.
099 The bridge over the river Servosa
099 The bridge over the river Servosa
101 Lunch on the river Servosa
101 Lunch on the river Servosa
102 Crossing the river Servosa.
102 Crossing the river Servosa.
103 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
103 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
104 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
104 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
105 On the trail of the gold miners.
105 On the trail of the gold miners.
107 The monument to the dead prospector.
107 The monument to the dead prospector.
108 Plateau Hadjatou
108 Plateau Hadjatou
109 Plateau Hadjatou
109 Plateau Hadjatou
110 Camp on plateau Chоjatau.
110 Camp on plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Hadjatou
Plateau Hadjatou
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.


Potato champion,weight 1845 grams.
Potato champion,weight 1845 grams.

Северные отроги Хребта Петра I. Долина реки Муксу. Сентябрь 2017 года.

Река Муксу берёт своё начало из ледников Федченко и Большой Саукдара. Это одно из тех мест которые находятся на «краю света». В этом году нашей команде посчастливилось вновь побывать в этом районе. Наш путь начался в кишлаке Депшар Лахшкого района и далее вдоль Хребта Петра Первого через  перевал Белькандоу  3339 м, долина Сугран, перевал Иргет 1Б 4400м (Иргай,Рыжий,Обходной) перевал Тамаша 3600м, долина Хадырша. Этот маршрут используют альпинисты для того чтобы попасть в базовый лагерь «Поляна Москвина» под пиком И.Сомони.По причине свежего снега на перевалах, возвращались обратно мы по тропе идущей по правому берегу реки Муксу, по дороге золото-мойщиков. Здесь обязательно надо добавить! Этот путь объективно опасен, тропа постоянно пробивается камнями, местами исчезает  и в случае плохой погоды не проходима. Одним словом не советуем. Очевидно  когда то раньше, долина была населена, вдоль реки Муксу часто попадаются почти исчезающие следы человеческого жилья, мостов и троп. Район очень красив и интересен, но доступен только для хорошо подготовленных туристов.

В поход ходили Шарипова М.рук. Номероцкий Н. Крылов С. Шарипов А.

Дополнение к снимкам 27 и 31 Домик Гурского.

Домик Гурского. История с грустным концом. В 80-х годах прошлого века, «некий» по имени Николай Гурский решил спасти человечество или часть от грядущего ядерного конца света нового потопа и тд. Из Боговдохновенных книг  он сделал вывод что Сугран именно то место откуда когдато отчалил Ноев ковчег. К нему потянулись люди, особенно женщины с трудной судьбой. В одну из зим он уехал в Москву писать книгу, а на Сугране осталась одна такая женщина с двумя мальчиками 6 и 11 лет, у них была коза но она сбежала. Остались они без продуктов. Как только стало чуть теплее, попытались выйти к людям. Но сил не хватило и они погибли в пути. Трупы обнаружили вертолётчики пролетая над перевалом Белькандоу. На этом история общины «Новый ковчег» закончилась.

Фото; А.Шарипов, Н.Номероцкий.

00 Our route on the map of Tajikistan
00 Our route on the map of Tajikistan
001The road to the East
001The road to the East
0002The road to the East
0002The road to the East
002The Vakhsh River
002The Vakhsh River
003Here the confluence of the rivers Kyzylsu and Muksu is born the river Surkhob
003Here the confluence of the rivers Kyzylsu and Muksu is born the river Surkhob
004Photo before going into the mountains.We escorts Uchkun and his family. Photo before going into the mountains.We say goodbye to the Uchkun and his family.
004Photo before going into the mountains.We escorts Uchkun and his family. Photo before going into the mountains.We say goodbye to the Uchkun and his family.
005The valley of the river Muksu
005The valley of the river Muksu
006. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
006. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
008. Gorge Ergay.
008. Gorge Ergay.
9. Gorge Ergay
9. Gorge Ergay
10.The Village Of Candou.
10.The Village Of Candou.
11. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
11. The Plants Of The Pamirs.
12.Rest on the way.
12.Rest on the way.
13. The valley of the river Muksu. The villages of Muk and Depshar.
13. The valley of the river Muksu. The villages of Muk and Depshar.
14. The ascent to the pass, Belcandov 3339м.
14. The ascent to the pass, Belcandov 3339м.
15.Plateau Chоjatau, the view from the pass of Belcandov
15.Plateau Chоjatau, the view from the pass of Belcandov
16. Valley Sugran the view from the pass, Belcandov.
16. Valley Sugran the view from the pass, Belcandov.
17 The descent to the river Sugran
17 The descent to the river Sugran
18 The descent to the river Sugran
18 The descent to the river Sugran
19. The bridge over the river Sugran
19. The bridge over the river Sugran
20 . River Sugran view from the bridge.
20 . River Sugran view from the bridge.
The bridge over river Sugran.
The bridge over river Sugran.
22. The bridge over the river Sugran.
22. The bridge over the river Sugran.
023 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
023 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
26.Camp in the valley of Sugran.
26.Camp in the valley of Sugran.
27 House Gursky
27 House Gursky
28. Almost Nirvana.
28. Almost Nirvana.
029Camp in the valley of Sugran
029Camp in the valley of Sugran
030Birch in the valley of Sugran
030Birch in the valley of Sugran
031 House Gursky
031 House Gursky
032The Sky Of The Pamir
032The Sky Of The Pamir
033 View of the pass Irget with Sugran
033 View of the pass Irget with Sugran
034 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
034 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
035 Rest on the way.
035 Rest on the way.
036 The ascent to the pass Irget
036 The ascent to the pass Irget
037 The view from the pass Irget, the valley of Sugran.
037 The view from the pass Irget, the valley of Sugran.
038 Camp on the pass Irget 4400m
038 Camp on the pass Irget 4400m
039 Muksu valley views to the South.
039 Muksu valley views to the South.
040 The descent from the pass Irget
040 The descent from the pass Irget
041 The descent from the pass Irget
041 The descent from the pass Irget
042The Plants Of The Pamirs.
042The Plants Of The Pamirs.
044 Camp by the river Irgiy
044 Camp by the river Irgiy
045 In the canyon of the river Irgiy.
045 In the canyon of the river Irgiy.
046 Crossing the river Irgiy.
046 Crossing the river Irgiy.
047 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
047 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
048 Nikolay Nomerotsky Shelter of a hunter.
048 Nikolay Nomerotsky Shelter of a hunter.
049 Shelter of a hunter.
049 Shelter of a hunter.
050 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
050 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
051 Pass Tamasha. A traditional photo.
051 Pass Tamasha. A traditional photo.
052 0 River Hadircha.
052 0 River Hadircha.
052 1 River Hadircha.
052 1 River Hadircha.
054 Backpack ready for the crossing.
054 Backpack ready for the crossing.
055Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
055Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
056Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
056Crossing the river Hadircha. We were lucky, a little water.
057 River Hadircha.
057 River Hadircha.
058 Maryam Sharipova In the camp on the river Hadircha.
058 Maryam Sharipova In the camp on the river Hadircha.
059 The weather is getting worse.
059 The weather is getting worse.
060The weather is getting worse.
060The weather is getting worse.
061The weather is getting worse.
061The weather is getting worse.
062 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
062 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
063 Hadircha. There are no roads.
063 Hadircha. There are no roads.
064 Camp in the valley Hadircha
064 Camp in the valley Hadircha
065 The quest for water.
065 The quest for water.
066 A supply of water.
066 A supply of water.
067 Mount Shafak 5667m
067 Mount Shafak 5667m
068 In the mountains of new snow.
068 In the mountains of new snow.
069 The Plants Of The Pamirs
069 The Plants Of The Pamirs
071 Anatoliy Sharipov.
071 Anatoliy Sharipov.
072 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
072 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
073 Simon Krilov Rope crossing the river Muksu.
073 Simon Krilov Rope crossing the river Muksu.
074Rope crossing the river Muksu.
074Rope crossing the river Muksu.
075Rope crossing the river Muksu.
075Rope crossing the river Muksu.
076 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
076 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
077 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
077 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
078 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
078 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
079 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
079 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
080 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
080 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
083 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
083 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
084 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
084 Rope crossing the river Muksu.
087 On the trail of the gold miners
087 On the trail of the gold miners
089 1 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
089 1 The Plants Of The Pamirs.
089 Camp in the valley of the Muksu.
089 Camp in the valley of the Muksu.
090 On the trail of the gold miners.
090 On the trail of the gold miners.
091On the trail of the gold miners.
091On the trail of the gold miners.
093 On the trail of the gold miners.
093 On the trail of the gold miners.
094 2 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 2 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
094 Irgiy river ends with a waterfall
095 The wild goats here are not afraid of people. You can come very close.
095 The wild goats here are not afraid of people. You can come very close.
096 Rest on the way.
096 Rest on the way.
097 On the trail of the gold miners.
097 On the trail of the gold miners.
098 River Servosa.
098 River Servosa.
099 The bridge over the river Servosa
099 The bridge over the river Servosa
101 Lunch on the river Servosa
101 Lunch on the river Servosa
102 Crossing the river Servosa.
102 Crossing the river Servosa.
103 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
103 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
104 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
104 The Muksu river, view from the trail.
105 On the trail of the gold miners.
105 On the trail of the gold miners.
107 The monument to the dead prospector.
107 The monument to the dead prospector.
108 Plateau Hadjatou
108 Plateau Hadjatou
109 Plateau Hadjatou
109 Plateau Hadjatou
110 Camp on plateau Chоjatau.
110 Camp on plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Hadjatou
Plateau Hadjatou
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
The Holy place of Hazrat Sultan.Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
Plateau Chоjatau.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.
The bridge over the river Muksu.


Potato champion,weight 1845 grams.
Potato champion,weight 1845 grams.

Camp at the pass Belcandov